Three Keys to Embrace for Building Your Confidence and Brilliance as a Successful Business Woman6/11/2019
Often times, people make observations about you and your business on their perception of you. That’s why it's very important that you determine how you position yourself internally and externally within the marketplace. And your confidence and brilliance and your message can determine how your clients respond to you. It can cause you to thrive or crash. People can discern if you are competent and confident. In fact, your brilliance, and the way you connect to others is how you attract people to you. So the three keys that will help you to embrace and build your confidence and brilliance as a successful business woman are: Key #1 - Step into Your Glory Zone by Stretching Outside Your Comfort Zone. As you go through challenges as a business owner or even personally use it as an opportunity to learn and grow into a better version of you! Accept the fact that challenges are going to occur, but you can decide how you respond to them. Will you stand up to become unstoppable when you are faced with a challenge or will you crawl and shrink back into that old thinking that the challenge is too big to master and overcome. When you go through challenging and painful situations that you feel you can’t overcome or deal with, remember that it’s always a lesson hidden at the core of the problem in order to grow you. Perhaps the lesson is grounded in making you a better person, entrepreneur, business partner or colleague, mother, wife, daughter, sister, and friend. But whatever the lesson to be learned, embrace it knowing that a greater you will manifest and emerge to the surface. Lessons which are meant to educate you will bring you from your comfort zone into to your glory zone! Coming out of your comfort zone will cause you to tap into skills, and talents that you didn’t know you had. Your glory zone will cause you to take more risks to say or do something that you’ve never thought could be done. It’s okay to take risks in business and life. Often times your ego will keep you rooted in familiarity so you can play it safe. But realize that you are at your greatest when you are trailing through unfamiliar territories. In fact, it’s good to deviate from the norm. Taking risks allow you to play big in business; don’t be afraid to take action, and step into the unknown. Your glory zone will cause you to face your fear so that you can keep moving forward. At times you will have to quiet your ego and mind by staying focused along with implementation, making the declaration that you are going to make it, and during this process you will grow into a better you. Work close with your coach to support you through navigating through the process. Key #2 - Denounce your FEAR, and embrace your FAITH! As you build your business you will have to move through fear in order to step into your greatness. I’ve found the very thing you fear most is what you will have to face in order to step into your greatness. But you must have faith, and the right mindset and thought patterns, the right declarations, and the right actions to implement for whatever you want. Fear isn’t real but is merely a feeling that will attempt to paralyze you in order to keep you from moving toward your goal or dream. According to the American Heritage dictionary, fear is defined as a feeling of agitation and anxiety caused by the presence or imminence of danger. Zig Ziglar says fear is false evidence appearing real. Fear has no power over you or any of the situations that you face unless you give it power. You can’t conqueror what you won’t face so face your fear! If I told you that you were born to win, would you believe me? Well let me tell you that you were created to be and do awesome things but you must do it by acting in faith even if you are in doubt and facing insecurities. Take action if you want to build your confidence and overcome fear. Key #3 – Eliminate Negative People from Your Network. If you’re going boost your confidence, and thrive in business you must be able to invite and be receptive to constructive criticism. But beware there will be people who will never approve of what you do. Don’t give negative people your attention they will become remiss, and will find another group to hang out with that will feed on their negative behavior patterns. Negative people are also toxic, and will drain your energy. They are cynical, and like to talk about and criticize others. Negative people are off-purpose people that you don't want to be around because they will cause you to loose your focus, and have you second guessing the vision you have about your business or dream. They have no vision for their future, and they are continuously dealing with fear based thoughts. Reach out and surround yourself with positive people. Positive people are focused on making a difference in the world, and don't waste time engaging in negative sabotaging behavior patterns. Positive people will keep you focused, and will influence you to stay the course with your dream to impact other people's future in a greater way. Positive people see what is possible. They have hopes and dreams that they believe are achievable. They have a winning attitude. I believe God blesses those who will do what others will not do, that’s why aligning yourself with the right people are key because the end result could lead you to phenomena success. These three keys if you implement them right away can help you to emerge with confidence and brilliance as a successful business woman. With Your Success In Mind, Cynthia Lewis Comments are closed.